9:02- Wake up and look at phone
9:08- Must pee so I get up
9:12- Kiss my sweet M awake
9:15- Realize I didn't fix M's pills last night for this am so I start to fix them for the next 2 weeks.
9: something. who really cares- I take M his pills with his (always full) water bottle.
Conversation starts.
M- Huh I cant believe I still have pills
K- What do you mean?
M- I have not run out yet
K- I don't understand
M- Since you know...Mom died
K- Silently thinks....
Back story..Michael's Mom re ordered his meds..it was what she did and I dare never try to take that away or take over. When she died I obviously did.
I return to the kitchen still pondering what just happen and finish emptying his old pills all into the new bottles I just received in the mail..that I just reordered. Like I have every 2 1/2 months. Since last November.
But for right now my friends I did not have the heart to say anything else.
Right now I will be the pill fairy. Just add it to my list.
If I can say so myself I'm the coolest fairy ever actually.
I'm so cool I never let things like PSP's, chargers, keys, games, wallets or shoes stay in the lost world of "but I put them right here"
I don't let dust settle very long before I swoop in (obviously invisible) and pledge it up.
The floor stays pretty darn clean.
I most always have a warm dinner on the table by 6:30
I manage to keep all favorite Ghost buster shirts clean even when he knows he just threw that in the dirty laundry basket.
And now I'm so dang awesome I manage to not let much needed medicine run completely out. Since November
Can you see her?? You know the Pill fairy??
Wanna hear the funny part?!
I look just like Kellee.
I even act like here, talk like her and nag like here.
Ha what a small world.