Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Please tell me

That my eyes are not being honest with me about little April Rose???????
Its real right?
And shes ok right?

Im hoping Im confused or have missed something big today on my blog absence.


  1. Unfortunately, yep...it appears there is no, never has been, an April Rose. Though it's a relief to know this little baby girl wasn't 'real' as in did not suffer, it's heartbreaking to know how many of us have had our hearts broken. The one good thing I hold onto is, through 'B's blog, so many of us found one another through prayer. God bless you, for being one of them...(((HUGS))) G'Ma~rella

  2. DO you have a link to the "April Rose" site? I have no idea what everyone is talking about....


  3. It reminds me of the fake CFer I told you about once. Tends to make people much more suspicious and skeptical and we hate to be that way. I guess that is our problem, tho?
