Friday, February 27, 2009

Now Im spilling

We got our foster kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And so far hes wonderful =)

I totally cheated and told G and J lastnight..cut me some slack J was in the hospital so I needed to cheer them up with my special surprise =)

Nobody guessed it exactly even though Christy and Somer gave it some great effort so how about..EVERY ONE of my followers gets 50 points and Christy and Somer get 100 for participating lol be excited!!

Anywho..M is good hes actually teaching J how to play the ps3..His o2 has been good today and he was full of energy and even lasted all 3 hours of his karate class!!

Poochie has a vet appt. in the am and we will know if were gonna have to put him down =( or not =) so keep your fingers crossed and Ill update later.



  1. I am so happy! So many good things after to many bad things. Now I will do my happy dance...

  2. Congratulations! What age is M?

    I hope that Poochie does well and can recover!

  3. Wow that's awesome. I'm so happy for you guys!! :)

  4. YES! 100 Kellee pts! This is better then Christmas!

  5. Over from SiTS to officially welcome you to the gang.

    Congratulations on your wonderful news!! I'm praying that Poochie is ok...

